Sunday, 6 January 2013

How to Keep Your Hot Tub Water Clean

Keeping your hot tub water clean is not a difficult task, but it is an important one. Remember, you do not have to be a chemist to follow simple instructions in order to keep spa water clean and free of debris, oils, and dangerous additives. Hot tub covers go a long way toward keeping the water clear.

Perhaps the simplest thing you can do to keep spa water clear is have plenty of baseball caps near the tub. That’s right. Maintain an adequate supply of clean caps for bathers to cover their heads while in the water. This keeps longer hair and its associated oils out of your spa’s filter, which will allow it to last longer. It’s easy to stock up on inexpensive baseball caps at a local dollar store. Use them, and you will have a cleaner spa.
Spa covers are also inexpensive and easy to use. When you are not in the spa, and especially during the off-season, make certain that your spa is covered up. This keeps dust, debris, and random junk from polluting the water. Even when the tub is drained, you do not want dust and dirt to build up, which is why spa covers are the ideal solution to this pesky problem.

Remember, keeping spa water clean is not just about aesthetics, but is mostly about keeping the filter, pump, and jets clean and free of yucky buildup. If you take care to maintain clean spa water, all the components of the tub’s machinery will last for many years. In addition, you and your friends will be able to enjoy clear, fresh water whenever you decide to take the plunge into your refreshing spa. Buy best quality hot tub covers, spa covers at

Always avoid getting any kind of soap or oil in the water, as it will wreak havoc with the filters and pumps. Soap, oil, and ammonia cleansers can do serious, permanent damage to all aspects of the spa’s components, so make sure to be on guard against these two enemies.

People who are new to spa ownership often wonder how often they should test the spa water. Weekly testing is best, as is the use of spa covers. The three things you need to look at are alkalinity, pH, and the sanitizer level. If you want to go the extra mile, it is actually a good idea to test the level of the sanitizer each time you use your spa, whether you have bromine or chlorine as the main sanitizer. This will assure that no bacteria grows in the spa.To know more click here.

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